Department Contacts
Thank you for your interest in Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center. Below you will find a general list of phone numbers to call for further assistance. We welcome your call at any time and look forward to hearing from you.
If you have a medical question or issue, please consult with your local healthcare provider. If you have a medical emergency or require immediate medical assistance, please call 911 or arrange to be taken to an emergency medical facility, such as a hospital Emergency Department.
Administration - 479.964.9101
Admissions - 479.964.5341
Adult Behavioral Health - 479.967.0701
Arkansas Oncology - 479.967.6565
Business Office - 877.830.9140
Cardiac Cath Lab - 479.964.5604
Cancer Treatment Center - 479.964.9119
Case Management - 479.964.9153
Diagnostic Recovery - 479.967.0740
Emergency Department - 479.968.6211
Engineering Department - 479.964.9105
General Information - 479.968.2841
Gift Shop - 479.964.5697
Health Information Management - 479.964.9107 or 479.964.9108
Human Resources - 479.964.5654
Hyperbarics - 479.967.0799
ICU Department - 479.964.9143
ICU Waiting - 479.964.9451
Imaging - 479.964.9150
Inpatient Rehab Services - 479.964.9255
Labor & Delivery Waiting - 479.964.5627
Labor & Delivery Department - 479.964.9186
Marketing - 479.964.5687
Medical Oncology - 479.967.6565
Nursing Administration - 479.964.9141
Outpatient Services - 479.967.0760
Outpatient Therapy Center - 479.968.3733
Pediatrics- 479.964.9293
Physician Referral - 479.964.9355
Purchasing - 479.964.9160
Radiation Oncology - 479.964.9118
Radiology - 479.964.9150
Respiratory Therapy - 479.964.9170
Scheduling - 479.964.5999
Surgery-Inpatient - 479.964.9358
Surgery Waiting-Inpatient - 479.964.9393
Surgery-Outpatient - 479.964.9357
Surgery Waiting-Outpatient - 479.964.9393
Surgery-Same Day - 479.964.9357
Surgery Waiting-Same Day - 479.964.9393
Volunteer Desk-Main Entrance - 479.964.9154
Vintage Line - 479.964.9355
Women & Children’s Services - 479.964.9179
Wound Care - 479.967.0799