xx - Suspensions and Closings of Affiliates
During this time, some hospital programs and affiliates will close, suspend, or change availability. Currently these are:
Millard-Henry Clinic’s Women’s Health
The obstetrics and gynecology services at Millard-Henry Clinic will close on Fridays, beginning April 17, until further notice. Additionally, a “no waiting room” policy has been adopted as a precaution during the coronavirus pandemic. Patients are asked to pre-check online prior to any appointment. If you are unable to pre-check online, call the office ahead at 479-964-4332 for assistance.
Telemedicine Opportunities Available at MHC
To allow for more social distancing and prevention of the spread of illness, Millard-Henry Clinic offers telemedicine visits for some patients. If you need non-emergency care, call your provider to see if telemedicine is right for your situation. Call 479-968-2345 for information.
The office of Dr. Owen Kelly, orthopaedic surgeon, has announced his office will be closed on Fridays, beginning April 17, until further notice. For information, call 479-890-5355.
Saint Mary’s Wellness Fitness Center is closed until further notice, effective March 18, 7 PM. All memberships will be frozen and prorated.
Saint Mary’s Volunteer Auxiliary Program is suspended due to the high risk category of volunteers in relation to the COVID-19 virus. As soon as safely possible, volunteer services will return to normal operations.